Content Strategist for Islamic Da’wah and Education

As a seasoned content strategist with a solid foundation in digital marketing and a deep-rooted passion for Islamic Da’wah and education, I specialize in crafting compelling content that informs, inspires, and engages diverse audiences.

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Entrepreneurial Multi-Potential Mind!

Let’s work together to develop impactful and engaging content that resonates with your target audience, drives meaningful connections, and achieves your desired outcomes.

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What if AI works for you with a human brain and hands?

I worked for a meaningful projects in different fields of entrepreneurship
We can work together on something awesome!

My Business Solutions

Analysis and Research

Provide information-based analysis and evaluation of current Da’wah and educational content and develop improved strategies.

Content Strategies Development

Develop a comprehensive strategy for Da’wah and educational content/curricula that suits your organization’s goals.

Islamic Content Writing

Write articles, essays, and educational materials that serve the goals of Islamic Da’wah and education.

My Writings

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Content Marketing | Digital Marketing | Digital Media

التسويق الرقمي من الصنارة للشبَكة

التسويق الرقمي من الصنارة للشبَكة رحلة تطور المجال من 2010 لـ 2020 وما بعدها من ساعة ما بدأت أشتغل في مجال التسويق والمحتوى الرقمي ولحد النهاردة (حوالي 10 أو 12 سنة) فيه حاجات كتير اتغيّرت، الأدوات اتطوّرت جداً، والمجال نفسه بيوسع ويشمل حاجات أكتر. والمصطلحات المنتشرة دلوقتي -في المسميات الوظيفية- زي الـ performance marketing –…

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إزاي مشاريع المحتوى تقدر تحقق أرباح؟

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A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them.
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A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vitae justo sem. Cras porta molestie leo, eu convallis arcu convallis vel. Donec vestibulum magna et metus semper ullamcorper. Duis bibendum sem massa, et aliquam mauris euismod sed. Fusce in magna magna. Proin lorem orci, eleifend vitae lobortis vel, tempus at leo. Sed id sapien posuere,…

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قراءة كتاب "عمل رحيم" من خلال التابلت

Create The Best Work Environment – Book

Snapping your job opportunity - Course

Job Advanced Search Techniques – Course

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